Hugo Investing

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What can you do?

Do you have a small amount of money available and want it to grow? Then investing can be a good option for you. Investing can be done in many ways. You can, for example, invest in equities, options, ETFs, real estate, commodities or bonds.

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When buying a bond you are lending money to a government or company. In return, you will receive interest in the form of a coupon payment paid either yearly or at other specified intervals. A bond is therefore a debt certificate and is generally regarded as a defensive part of an investment portfolio.  Bonds are rated for their risk. Read more


With the purchase of a share, you become a small shareholder. If the company in question is successful then you benefit from dividends and price gains. You also obtain voting right at the shareholder’s meeting.
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An ETF or tracker is generally a simple and understandable investment. Through an ETF, you buy a piece of an index such as the AEX, FTSE, Dax or a global equity index. Investments in ETFs are therefore also called index investments. Read more


An option is a right to buy or sell an underlying value or a duty to take or deliver the underlying value. This can be a stock, commodity, index or currency. When investing in options, you can achieve a high return with a relatively small investment. Read more


A future is an agreement to trade an underlying value in the future at a price agreed upon in the present. The underlying value is usually an index, commodity or currency. Read more


Contracts For Difference (CFDs) are specialised and popular Over The Counter (OTC) financial derivative products which enable you to trade on the price movement of financial assets: Indices Futures, Commodity Futures, Cryptocurrency, Shares and Exchange Traded Funds. They enable clients to trade freely without actually owning the underlying asset or acquiring any rights or obligations in relation to the underlying asset. Read more


Forex, also known as foreign exchange, FX or currency trading, is a decentralized global market where all the world’s currencies trade. The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average daily trading volume exceeding $5 trillion. All the world’s combined stock markets don’t even come close to this. Read more

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