As a trader or investor trading options, you surely will agree that the option chain is critical to finding the best strikes for your strategy.
As a regulated broker Hugo’s uses partner Saxo Bank’s platform, which has undoubtedly one of the most comprehensive and awarded option chains in the market today. However, Hugo’s clients get even more; unlimited help from a team of experts with over 60 years of combined experience working with investors. Hugo’s team can help you understand how strangles, straddles, butterflies, and iron condors can fit into your portfolio to ensure you earn more money with options. On the other hand, Hugo’s team of experts can also explain how to insure your stocks and shares by using options.
Remember, you are never alone. Hugo is here to guide you.
Advanced options tools
Expert service from Hugo
Whether you’re a high- or low-volume trader, you’ll receive first-class support tailored to your needs. Hugo’s team are all real options traders themselves.
Ultra – competitive pricing
Customized pricing for over 50 trades a month. Contact Hugo.
We would be delighted to walk you through our trading platform and show you how the option chain works. Book an appointment and we will contact you.
Try a 20-day free demonstration with a simulated USD 100,000 account to practice with. Try new market strategies before you trade for real.
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